It was a lucky thing – for her and for us – that many people realized Marie's genius and helped her along despite the fact that at in her time, women's talent and hard work went virtually unacknowledged. She met and married French physicist Pierre Curie, who recognized in her a capable colleague, and her father-in-law took care of their daughter so Marie and Pierre could work during the day.
Marie and Pierre received a joint Nobel Prize in Physics along with Henri Becquerel. Then in 1911 she became the first person to win two Nobel Prizes (the second was in Chemistry) for discovering two new radioactive elements: polonium (named after Marie's native Poland) and radium. In her acceptance speech, Marie shared the award with her husband, who in 1906 had been killed in an accident.
In 1944, in honor of Marie and Pierre, the team discovering number 96 (Cm) on the Periodic Chart of Elements named the new element curium.
Every 11” Little Thinker doll is distinctively dressed and wields a biographical tag with essential dates, acts, and a personal quote.
These plush companions are just as inspiring as they are cuddly because Little Thinkers are characters with character.